Use "runway|runways" in a sentence

1. YVR operates three runways: the main runway, the crosswind runway and taxiway Alpha, operated as a stub or short runway.

2. — construction of airfield runways,

3. Eight airfields had permanent-surface runways.

4. Airstrips: as in runways, landing strips

5. Design of roads, airfields and runways

6. The planes landed on Adjacent runways

7. Roads, Highways and Airport Runways Description:

8. The planes landed on adjacent runways.

9. General construction work for airfield runways

10. Cableway™ Cable Runway Support System; Cableway™ Cable Runway Support System

11. Preformed thermoplastic indicia for airport runways & taxiways

12. Airport lighting, runway lighting

13. They construct field accommodation, runways, bridges and roads.

14. Huge snowdrifts had accumulated on the airport's runways.

15. The rabbit burrows can undermine the airport's runways.

16. Airfield runway ice detection system

17. Efficiency of Airports & Runway Operations

18. Go to runway 2-niner.

19. Only one runway is operative.

20. It helps to prevent skidding on highways and airport runways.

21. The airport was built in 1946 with two grass runways.

22. A giant UFO lands on one of the airport’s runways.

23. General construction work for highways, roads, railways and airfield runways

24. The plane taxied along the runway.

25. ... Requesting clearance on runway 1-3.

26. You can land runway one Teterboro.

27. The plane coasted down the runway.

28. Technical analysis of surface friction on roads, airfields and runways

29. Made entirely of reinforced concrete and macadam, the airport's runway is the third-longest runway in the Philippines, after Runway 06/24 of Ninoy Aquino International Airport and Runway 04/22 of Mactan-Cebu International Airport respectively and it can access Airbus A380.

30. Katukurundan Take them to the airport runway.

31. Improvement of Runway A of Athens airport

32. The airplane is taxiing down the runway.

33. Major elements of the Airside are runways, taxiways, and navigational systems

34. Operation and maintenance of 12 airfields (4 runways and 8 helipads)

35. A small train shuttles constantly between the concourse and the runways.

36. General construction work for highways, roads, railways and airfield runways #f

37. For highways (except elevated highways), street, roads, railways and airfield runways

38. Carrying out control of surface friction on roads, airfields and runways

39. Bounced down the runway. Just took off.

40. The runway is still strewn with wreckage.

41. The plane started taxiing down the runway.

42. A small aircraft was obstructing the runway.

43. In 2015, Russia expanded the runways in order to accommodate Russian aircraft.

44. Airside pavement—Pavement of areas accessible to aircraft, including runways and taxiways.

45. Motorways, roads, streets and other vehicular or pedestrian ways and airfield runways

46. Therefore, Cora has no need for a runway

47. Landing on this short runway was considered difficult.

48. • increased maintenance and rehabilitation efforts on allweather roads and airport runways; and,

49. The runway is clear — go ahead and land.

50. The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway.

51. They blasted a huge crater in the runway.

52. The pilot guided the plane onto the runway.

53. The Cessna 150 was downwind right hand, runway

54. Quality control of unbound layers in connection with roads, airfields and runways

55. So we have to go on the runway?

56. The plane taxied/was taxiing along the runway.

57. The plane missed the runway by several yards.

58. The runway is simply a strip of grass.

59. Operation and preventive maintenance of 13 unpaved airfields (5 runways and 8 helipads)

60. Constructed without a hardened runway, after the war the airfield received a concrete runway, but remained exclusively in use by the military.

61. The airport runway is below, waiting to receive him.

62. The Mörön Airport (ZMMN/MXV) has one paved runway.

63. The airport operations continue on the existing northern runway

64. The plane crashed during its approach to the runway.

65. Object Codes > Summary > 1316 - Roads, Highways and Airport Runways Institutional links

66. As nouns the difference between Airstrip and runway is that Airstrip is an aircraft landing field, usually with only one runway and basic facilities while runway is an Airstrip, a (usually) paved section on which planes land or take off.

67. Both Aerodromes are equipped with Pilot Activated Lighting Systems on the sealed runways

68. There are also seven mock airfields that include runways, ramps, taxiways and buildings.

69. Device for detecting a vehicle on an airport runway

70. Dili's airport runway is unable to accommodate large aircraft.

71. Follow the road around the runway of the airport.

72. The runway lights guide the plane in to land.

73. The jet began to turn off the main runway.

74. Israel destroyed the runways at the airport after the intifada broke out in 2000.

75. Airport with a runway more than # # metres in length

76. The plane managed to glide down to the runway.

77. Using a system of parallel runways avoids delays and switching traffic to other airports.

78. || 5131 || 51310 || For highways (except elevated highways), street, roads, railways and airfield runways || 4520

79. Keep your eyes focused on the centerline of the runway.

80. I repeat: the runway is not clear for take-off.